Construction of the Delphin Group JSC waste oil treatment plant

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The Delfin Group plant near Moscow is the largest waste oil cleaning company in Russia. It was built as part of the implementation of the investment project "Development of an industrial cluster for oil regeneration with a storage tank farm" in the Pushkin сity district with a 12-year execution period. The main consumers are industrial enterprises that use used oils as raw materials for the production of various types of commercial oils and lubricants. The planned output volume is 360 thousand tons/year.

Industry sector: Chemical
Project: Construction of the Delphin Group JSC waste oil treatment plant
Site location: Rakhmanovo industrial zone, Ashukino, Moscow region
Terms of the work completion on site: June 2021 – September 2022
The description of the performed works:
  • Production and installation of metal structures
  • Installation of technological equipment
  • Installation of process pipelines